Saturday, May 25, 2013


So at the moment my tiny human is taking a nap. Which she went down for without a fuss. LOVEEEEE these days!! Feels like they are few and far between anymore. 2 1/2 years old seems to be the perfect age to start refusing naps and screaming bloody murder til she can't breathe anymore. I hate those days. The days where you can SEE the child is tired. You can HEAR how tired they are. YOU, yourself is tired! Yet the child thinks they know better and will not go down for a nap. Not without a huge fight at least. I have yet to figure out the best way to deal with those days. The crabby days of no naps. At one point in time for like a week, I let my child take naps in one of those tunnels that comes with a tent. Lol! I kid you not. It was so annoying. Lets not take a nap in our nice comfy bed.... NoOoOoOoOo! Lets take a nap on the floor in a tunnel! Sounds perfect. Hell after the first day of it... I let her take a nap in it the next day as soon as I could! Lol. Mommy needed quiet time. What did I do during that time? Clean? Nope. Take a shower? Nope. Make a phone call? Nope.... I laid on the couch with my feet on the wall and my head hanging off the side.. Why? Because I could! Haha. Yes. Talk about needing adult contact! But like I said... Naps. I should really be taking them still myself. But nope.. I also fight them... I wonder where my daughter gets it from??

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Things add up.

This is my first post!! Well today has been full of little things adding up. Have you ever had one of those days where your child isn't really being bad but is doing things that they shouldn't be doing!? Today was one of those days. First my daughter decided that putting on Chapstick was a great idea (she eats it) and got caught in the act. Next she "brushed her teeth" and got everything soaking wet, including herself. After that I went to the store and left my daughter with my father. I get a text message 15 minutes later saying "It don't come off!"..... Uh what? I call him and he asks who left their make up on the table? (which would be my mother) He proceeds to tell me that she got into the make up and has it all over. I than get a picture of my daughter with mascara all over her eyes. By the time I get home she is already all cleaned up. Not long after being home my dad asks me why the air vent is off the floor? Why there is a big open space that a 27lb child could fall in!? Lol I walk into the room and find my daughter sitting in the middle of the bed looking as innocent as an angel. Ask her if she did it and of course she admits it..... Don't get me wrong. She is an amazing child and 80% of the time doesn't get into anything. WHY all of a sudden she does EVERYTHING in one day is beyond me lol. So I don't know if I would say she was bad today, but she sure did do a whole bunch of little things throughout the day. She is a cutie and I wouldn't change a thing lol.
*Don't her eyes look beautiful!? Lol*