Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tattoos and Stuff

So I haven't actually had the time to write a new post. Too many distractions now a days. ANYWAYS!! For my 26th birthday I got my very first tattoo. I'm not in the Ink'd Moms Club. Absolutely love it! Would totally get another one also. My daughter being 2 1/2 years old saw it and goes "You painted on your arm... that's gross!" I was like "UGH FAIL!" Lol really!?! But she likes it now. Especially since afterwards I let her grandma draw a lady bug on her arm. Only fair right? Well after that I got my drivers license a few days later. YAY for 26!!!!  And now I'm sick. Killer cold that is trying to bring me down. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN COLD!!!!! :) I refuse to be taken down by the common cold! No matter how horrible I feel. I am feeling better from yesterday tho. Which is great. HUGE improvement. I didn't even want to move yesterday. Today I've done a bunch of things. Cleaned and moved stuff. You know the normal mom shit. I would so love to go a day without having to do laundry but I honestly think that is impossible. NO laundry for ONE day!?!?! Yeah right. When hell freezes over. Geez this is a whole big rambling mess huh?? Ah well I will leave it at that. Had to get some stuff out of my head and into text.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Moving Maybe?

Alright so here is the news. I MAY or MAY NOT be moving across the country within the next 9 months. Now here is my dilemma... My daughters father is here and I'm nervous about telling him we are leaving. Except he only sees her once every two weeks or so. So I'm worried but not extremely. Also I'm worried how my daughter will adjust to everything. Traveling, a new house, new area, the whole 9 yards. My mother says that she will be happy wherever her family is. Which I must agree with because she is a happy child anyways.... well how do I go about the travel? She will be 3 by the time we leave and hasn't gone much longer then 2 hours in the car. This would be a 2 or 3 day trip. I think I need a little advice when it comes to all of that.  Any and all is needed!!!!!